Thursday, June 20, 2013

Shopping Small Makes a Big Impact

June 17-21 is National Small Business Week, so here is your official reminder of why you should shop small now and in the future.
  1. Within the Downtown area of Middletown, approximately 95 per cent of businesses are considered small businesses, meaning they employ fewer than 50 people. In fact, about 60 per cent of the businesses in this area employ fewer than five people. That means that small business success is absolutely critical to the economy of downtown Middletown. By shopping at big retailers and chain dining establishments, you are taking money away from your own town and sending it elsewhere where your own economy will not benefit from it.
  2. Locally owned businesses support local causes. Not only is shopping and dining locally important to the economy, these businesses care about the things that you care about – causes that are important to your own neighborhood and area. Supporting businesses locally supports these causes too.
  3. Let’s face it, businesses have power over local decision making. When those business owners do not live locally, they may not make the same decision you would as a resident of a certain town. By supporting local businesses, you support their power in decision making, thereby improving the chances that such decisions will be relevant to those who live in the communities affected by these decisions.
  4. Jobs! We all know how important jobs are, and we all know how increasingly difficult it is becoming to find a job. Small businesses support the economy by hiring locally and providing wages for local people.
  5. Supporting small business also encourages entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship is what this country was founded upon. Innovation and entrepreneurship leads to prosperity for a nation and community, and improves the chances for families to move out of low-wage jobs and into the middle class.
  6. Small business also helps more small businesses, like the shop that sells locally made jewelry and candles or the restaurant the uses locally made cheeses, rather than purchasing from other big corporations.
  7. Small business is good for the environment by encouraging sustainable, walkable town centers, reduce urban sprawl, limit automobile use and sell items that require less transportation for deliveries.
  8. Small business supports diversity of products. When entering a small shop, you never know what creativity you’ll find. You may discover a new toy, a unique scent, a tantalizing flavor or unusual design. Allowing diversity in business by allowing small business to thrive encourages this diversity.

Monday, June 10, 2013

10 Reasons to Visit Your Local Farmer's Markets

It is summer and summer means Farmer's Markets are back. Here are 10 reasons to shop your local farmer's markets this summer.

  1. It's local. Buying from local farms means supporting the local economy. You'll be helping support local families who grow and produce fresh foods.
  2. It's fresh. There is nothing like the fresh factor of a farmer's market. The produce and other foods you find at a farmer's market are just picked, eggs are just laid, and breads and other foods are just baked. The freshness at these markets can't be beat.
  3. Carbon. Everyone's talking about their carbon footprint and shopping at these markets is a great way to lower yours. By buying locally grown and made products, you reduce the transportation cost of these items and lower your carbon footprint.
  4. Variety. When shopping at farmer's markets you'll be more apt to try new produce, and you'll also find varieties of produce that you'd never see at a grocery store. Try a new variety of tomato or some fancy radishes. You never know what new delicacy you'll discover.
  5. In season. One of the benefits of the food being fresh is also finding food that is in season. Plus, eating in season foods is actually really good for you!
  6. It's interesting. Walking through a farmer's market is always an interesting experience. You'll meet new people, learn new things and discover a whole different world.
  7. It's fun for kids. Kids usually really enjoy farmer's markets because there is so much to see, learn and discover. Plus, it's very educational for them to learn about seasonally grown foods and where their food comes from.
  8. Fresh air. Shopping in fresh air markets is another fun feature. It's just very different than walking through a supermarket produce section where it's very climate-controlled and all the vegetables have just been sprayed. 
  9. Meet the farmers. It's a neat experience to meet the actual people who grew the food you're eating. It puts a face to your food and gives you the chance to meet some real salt of the earth individuals. 
  10. It's healthy. As if eating vegetables wasn't healthy enough, you'll also find healthier vegetables that aren't sprayed with toxic pesticides and are grown organically a lot of the time. It's a double win for your health. And if you're going to eat healthy, you might as well maximize the benefits - otherwise just binge on chocolate. Kidding - just kidding!

Middletown Farmer's Markets

Middletown Farmer's Market
South Green on Old Church Street
Hours are July-October;  Tuesday & Thursday, 8:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Accepts WIC, SFMNP.

NEAT Farmer's Market
At Main and Liberty in Middletown, CT
June 14th-October; Fridays from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Double dollars program for WIC, SNAP, FMNP, and Senior Vouchers

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wanna Live Downtown?

Over the past several years Downtown Middletown has been becoming a a greater and cooler place to work and dine and play and live. Now, Downtown is exploring new possibilities in living downtown as part of the Come Home Downtown project, for which the original Amato's building was chosen. A community meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Community Health Center.

We would love local businesses, building owners, and anyone interested in this process to come out and join the discussion. We hope you can come.Your input is key to a successful downtown Middletown. 

Come Home to Downtown is a program that seeks to boost downtown living, improve walkability, bring new life to mostly vacant historic properties and help teach building owners ways to finance real estate upgrades. Come hear how the original Amato’s Toys building was selected as a model to show how it can be renovated to include apartments upstairs and retail downstairs, and learn how you can influence downtown’s design. 

RSVP to Middletown Downtown Business District (DBD)
860-347-1424 or

For more information, see the Middletown Press article about this: